Somerville, MA Parks & Recreation
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Teen Center Volleyball Clinic with Volo

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The Teen Center has partnered with the Volo Kids Foundation to host a free volleyball program for Somerville Teens at the Park in Assembly Row. This is a 6 week clinic-- each Friday between September 22 through October 27 between 4:00-5:30 pm. This program is a learning program where teens will participate in volleyball basics including skills and drills. This is a non-competitive program and will be utilized to learn and enhance volleyball skills. Please register if your teen can attend all, or most, of the 6 sessions, however registration is first registered, first served. This program only has the capacity to have 40 registered teens--you must be registered online and have the Volo online registration form completed before attending.

Please contact Brooke if you need help registering, or have any program questions. Email:, or call/text 857-300-3272
Volo volleyball

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