Somerville, MA Parks & Recreation
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Code of Conduct: Person

All participants need to abide by these basic behavior standards.  We encourage parents or guardians to review and discuss the behavior standards with their children participating in our programs. Adult participants in our programs are held to the same standards.  Your voluntary participation in our programs is your consent to follow these behavior standards and the resulting consequences.

  1. Every participant in the program is expected to exercise respect. This includes, but is not limited to: respect for themselves, other participants, staff members, all people and places of business.
  2. Every participant in the program is expected to be an active listener.
  3. Every participant in the program is expected to know and understand the rules associated with the activity and follow them. Ask the staff member if you are unaware of the rules regarding the activity.
  4. Every participant in the program is expected to cooperate with program operations.
  5. Every participant in the program is expected to communicate in an appropriated manner. Harsh verbal words, tone of voice, foul language, sexually inappropriate behavior or gestures will not be tolerated.
  6. Every participant in the program is expected to express civil conduct. If physical contact is made with another person it must be a welcome gesture and appropriate. Horseplay, unwelcome teasing, pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting, etc., will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or expulsion from the program.
  7. Participants have the right to participate in an environment where all participants can achieve their full potential without being impeded by discrimination or harassment based on race, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, veteran’s status, disability, or any other status protected by applicable federal, state, or local nondiscrimination laws. Harassment may be verbal, visual or physical contact conduct.
  8. Every participant in the program is expected to exercise an attitude that elicits good will towards others and program activities.
  9. Every participant in the program is expected to promote and support a safe, fun and healthy environment through productive participation.

Consequences: Any participant who engages in discriminatory, harassing, or otherwise objectionable behavior is subject to disciplinary action and removal from the program. When a participant’s behavior, adult or child, is deemed inappropriate, they will be dealt with using the following step.

  1. If a participant displays inappropriate behavior, staff members will verbally request that the behavior be discontinued. If the participant is a child, and the behavior does not stop the staff will implement a time-out. Time outs are given appropriate to the child’s age, ability and the severity of the inappropriate behavior. If the child’s behavior reoccurs or escalates, the parent will be notified immediately and the child will be removed from the program for that day.
  2. If a participant’s unacceptable behavior continues on a regular basis, staff members and the participant (and their parent if the participant is a minor) will meet. A written report will be filed, stating the inappropriate behaviors already demonstrated and the expected changes for the next program meeting date. It is also to be stated that one more incident of unacceptable behavior will result in the participant’s removal from the program permanently, or for a specific period of time depending on the severity of the behavior. This report is signed by the participant, staff and parent if the participant is a minor.  One copy will remain at the Parks and Recreation Department and the participant will retain another copy.
  3. If, after the above procedures have been followed, inappropriate behaviors continue, the participant will be removed for the designated period of time, previously determined at the conference meeting. A parent will be contacted and requested to immediately remove the child from the program if the participant is a minor.

In extreme cases of unacceptable behavior that are physically threatening to other participants or staff, the Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to immediately remove a participant from a program.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 2984.